Pro Publica article on Contact Tracing May 19, 2020 We are all going to need to learn a lot more about contact tracing. How is it done? How can we make it more successful? This article by @CarolineYLChen provides a great overview. Highlighting a few key parts. 1/7— Natalie E. Dean, PhD (@nataliexdean) May 19, 2020
Uncertainty in the herd immunity threshold May 9, 2020 Seeing papers make the rounds that the herd immunity threshold may be much lower than the rough approximation 1-1/R0. Maybe, but let's slow down a minute.#1. There is still way too much uncertainty.#2. This does not qualitatively change our strategy.My comments. 1/— Natalie E. Dean, PhD (@nataliexdean) May 9, 2020
Lessons from Kerala, India May 5, 2020 Kerala, India, is implementing “test, trace, isolate, support,” and it is paying off so far. They are working hard to keep case numbers low. What can we learn from them? A short thread. 1/5— Natalie E. Dean, PhD (@nataliexdean) May 5, 2020